Hello there
In defense of Windows (out of date, invalid )

In defense of windows (10,11)

A great operating system, A terrible "OS"

(From a Linux enjoyer)

Writen August,2024. Finished and published November 2024

  1. 1. Windows is Shit

    If you have ever used windows you know this to be true. Specifically the "Microsoft" part of windows is often more in the way then is helpfull.

    No windows I don't want you spying on me. No windows that photo of my grandmother is not a virus, tHanK yOU for asking me before trying to delete it. No windows I don't want to upload files to onedrive. tHaNk yOU for asking before uploading and deleting my files. You get the idea. Windows is too much, you dont need to put advertisements in the f**king start menu. Its ridiculous. Dont even get me started on edge. Ms edge is a actual virus. It can't be removed, it occasionally sets itself as the default browser, and, no matter what your default is. If you are opening a link from another Microsoft product. It will always open in edge. What is this bullsh*t!

  2. 2. DESKTOP Linux is no better

    Heresy, I know

    The current state of the Linux desktop is not the greatest if you are anything like me and have a broad range of interests and things you like to do. With the exception of programming, a lot of things on Linux need to be fiddled with to a anger inducing extent. If you need stuff to just work, Linux is not for you. Just yesterday I spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to configure my mouse in Linux before giving up. 2 fucking hours. I know windows is bad but this, this isn't any worse.

    One of the best pieces of advice given out to people looking to switch to Linux DESKTOP, is to use your Linux computer as you would any other computer This, is where the problem lies. And I'm sure I just haven't gotten it down yet. But using Linux like my windows install.... Doesn't fu**ing work. I am biased and have a short fuse when it comes to reconfiguring sh*t I'm familiar with. I hate doing it. That's why i have 4 failed attempts to use NixOS, But come on. Even when I do get it configured I will still need a Windows VM because. Not everything works with Linux. Yes wine has gotten very good in the last while, but its not good enough. Even the windows VM is barely acceptable. I have a fairly good computer. I gave the VM half the computer resources and it still was running sub par. I love configuring Linux. And I think it is absolutely perfect on laptop for laptop stuff. But on desktop where I want my computer to be capable and able to run whatever app I can think off.(Linux: Windows: )

  3. 3. But you have to configure windows as well for it to be useable!

    Ok i wrote this in august. It is now november. I forgot what i was going to say. After a month of using linux as my daily driver. I have no compaints. Bye